I-Jieh Liu

Researcher | AI/DL | Computer Vision

Taipei, Taiwan
CV | LinkedIn | GitHub

I am a graduate student pursuing my M.S. degree in the Data Science group under the Communication Engineering Dept. at NTU. My area of focus centers around research and programming, with a particular interest in Deep Learning (DL), and Computer Vision (CV). I have a particular interest in Computer Vision (CV) and strive to enhance my understanding and insight in this field by immersing myself in trending papers.

Currently, I’m advised by Yu‑Chiang Frank Wang at Vision and Learning Lab. My research primarily revolves around various CV domains, including but not limited to Federated Learning, Referring Video Object Segmentation, NeRF, 3D generation, Transfer Learning, Vision & Language, etc. Through my dedication and continuous exploration, I aim to contribute to the advancement of Computer Vision while expanding my knowledge and expertise in this exciting field.


Jun 15, 2024 Our paper GroPrompt is accepted by CVPRW 2024 (CV in the wild). See you in Seattle!
May 23, 2024 One first co-author paper is under review in NeurIPS 2024.
Mar 6, 2024 Our paper GSNeRF is accepted by CVPR 2024. See you at Seattle!
Dec 10, 2023 Our paper FedLGT is accepted by AAAI 2024. See you at Vancouver!
Jul 10, 2023 Create my personal website.

Selected publications


  1. rvos_preview.png
    GroPrompt: Efficient Grounded Prompting and Adaptation for Referring Video Object Segmentation
    Ci-Siang Lin*, I-Jieh Liu*, Min-Hung Chen, Chien-Yi Wang, Sifei Liu, and Yu-Chiang Frank Wang
    In CVPRW, 2024
  2. gsnerf_preview.png
    GSNeRF: Generalizable Semantic Neural Radiance Fields with Enhanced 3D Scene Understanding
    Zi‑Ting Chou*, Sheng‑Yu Huang*, I‑Jieh Liu, and Yu‑Chiang Frank Wang
    In CVPR, 2024
  3. fig1_for_preview.png
    Language-Guided Transformer for Federated Multi-Label Classification
    I-Jieh Liu, Ci-Siang Lin, Fu-En Yang, and Yu-Chiang Frank Wang
    In AAAI, 2024